The world of marketing and promotions seems to get more convoluted by the day. In this blog post, we’ll keep things simple and see how public relations fits into a company’s marketing mix and explore the concept of the PESO model. 

Every marketing major in America learns about the 4P’s of marketing:

  • Product

  • Price

  • Placement

  • Promotion

More recently there’s been a push to add three more, People, Physical Evidence, and Process. Here is a great visual that we put together that breaks down examples of each.  

Marketing Mix.jpg

Public relations falls within the promotion branch of the marketing mix. The PESO model is a great way to understand the different levers that we have at our disposal as we promote our respective brands. 


As the image above shows, there are four categories of media:

  • Owned Media: this might be the most straightforward branch and where all new companies tend to start. Think of things like your website, your photos, even your social media.

  • Shared Media: Shared media can be divided into two groups: Social you own and social media that you don’t like reviews or testimonials. Many businesses only think of social media as their own posts but the items that others are posting about them are also very important. 

  • Paid Media: Paid media can also be thought of as advertising with endless channels for spending money to gain awareness for your brand.  

  • Earned Media: Clearly we are a bit biased but earned media is our favorite. Earned media is all about getting the word out there about the newsworthy elements associated with your brand. When an outlet is singing your praises, or telling their readers about their experience with your brand consumers listen.  A Nielsen survey (from a couple of years back) reports that 92% of consumers say they trust earned media, while only half trust paid media.

Over the years at Eleven Eleven we have seen our most successful clients build a thoughtful and integrated marketing plan that considers each of these segments. Our team at Eleven Eleven is made up of experts that help drive overall brand awareness, thought leadership, partnership announcements, and help support a number of additional marketing initiatives. 

Once we drive that “top of the funnel” engagement it’s time for the other parts of the media to shine. From paid display ads, to email campaigns, cart abandonment follow-ups to social media engagement the options are endless. 

Just like there’s no magic formula for PR it’s the same for the other branches of media. But with the right team(s) and an iterative approach, the sky’s the limit. 

Ammar Shallal
Director of Operations