2020 has been quite the year! Over the past few months, we’ve been forced to slow down and take a look at what we’re grateful for. As we transition into 2021, the Eleven Eleven team reflects on what we’ve learned, and what we’re looking forward to in the coming year.

Over the course of the year, I think our entrepreneurial DNA kicked into high gear. We got creative, we got scrappy, and we developed a level of resilience that will continue to serve our team and our clients well past the pandemic. The thing I’m most looking forward to in 2021 is meeting and getting to know my second son who is due in mid-January.  - Ammar Shallal, Director of Operations

2020 was a year full of learning. My biggest takeaway is change is inevitable, embrace it with a positive attitude. I’m most excited for new challenges and adventures in 2021! - Fiona Parcharidis, Senior Account Manager

This year I learned that the greatest weapon in dealing with uncertainties (like, say, a global pandemic) is staying positive and not harping on the little things. Recently, I’ve been making a conscious effort to focus on good moments during the day instead of frustrating ones, and it’s been super helpful in actually staying sane during all the craziness! In 2021 I’m excited to hopefully spend more quality time with my family and with friends that I haven’t been able to see because of the pandemic. While it’s still a long road to returning to normal, I’m feeling hopeful that with new leadership and treatments for the virus that we’ll finally be able to see cases start to decline.  - Vicki Holcomb, Account Executive 

I have learned to be grateful for the little things in life this year, like family dinners, friends who text or call to just check in, and really being able to take time for yourself.  2020 taught me to take a step back, slow down, and appreciate the little moments in life we would typically overlook. I am looking forward to what 2021 will bring (who knows what that might be!) and hopefully being able to gather with friends, travel the world, and share incredible experiences with others. - Tara Shepherd, Account Executive

Ayala: This past year has been an absolute whirlwind. I never knew I could learn so much from the walls of my 800 square foot apartment! The greatest thing I learned, however, was how to truly appreciate the people around me. Whether it was a simple check in over the phone, or a socially distanced meet up, I learned that the people you surround yourself with is what keeps you going when times are tough. I’m excited to graduate college in 2021 and hopefully be able to celebrate with my friends and family. - Ayala Ossowski, Account Assistant